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Wytyczne do montażu okien i drzwi zewnętrznych
Konstrukcja i produkcja okien oraz drzwi zewnętrznych osiągnęła dziś wysoki po- ziom jakości. Jednak, aby mieć pewność, że dotrze to również do inwestorów, niezbędny jest kompetentny i profesjonalny montaż. W celu zapewnienia ekspertom w...
64,49 € *
Guideline for installation of curtain walls, Edition 8/2022
Content The construction and manufacture of curtain walls are one of the most difficult and challenging tasks in the building area. However, to ensure that this also reaches the builders, competent and professional installation is...
64,49 € *
Guideline for installation of windows and external pedestrian doors, Edition 8/2022
Content The construction and manufacture of windows and external pedestrian doors has achieved a high level of quality today. However, to ensure that this also reaches the builders, competent and professional installation is...
64,49 € *
Wytyczne RAL/ift do montażu ścian osłonowych
Tabela treści Określenie "fasada" odnosi się do widocznej powłoki budynku i pochodzi od łacińskiego "facies" oznaczającego twarz, wygląd lub kształt. W związku z tym termin "fasada" jest stosowany jako ogólne określenie odnoszące się do...
64,49 € *
ift-Guideline VE-07engl/3 - Insulating glass unit with movable sun protection systems int
Content + Foreword After appr. 10 years of testing experience and evaluation of integrated systems in the cavity of insulating glass unit (with ift guideline VE-07), adjustments of the testing procedure have become necessary. Compared to...
ab 20,00 € *
ift Guideline WA-22engl/2 Thermally improved spacers - Part 3 Determining the representative Psi-val
Content In accordance with the product standard for curtain walling, EN 13830, one of the methods to determine the thermal transmittance U CW of curtain walling is the calculation method set out in EN ISO 12631. For the calculation, it...
ab 18,00 € *
ift Guideline WA-08engl/3 – Thermally improved spacer Part 1
Content Determination of representative Ψ-values for profile sections of windows As set out by the window product standard EN 14351-1 clause 4.12, one of the methods to determine the thermal transmittance U W of windows is by calculation...
ab 20,00 € *
ift-Guideline WA-17engl/1 Thermally improved spacers Part 2
Content + Foreword Thermally improved spacers This Guideline specifies a method to determine the equivalent thermal conductivity of thermally improved spacers by means of measurement. The equivalent thermal conductivity determined in...
ab 18,00 € *
ift-Guideline DI-01engl/1 The usability of sealants Part 1
Content Usability of Sealants Part 1 of the Guideline describes the test methods for the following scopes of application.Contact of: Sealants of the insulating glass edge-sealing with materials of the weather sealing (outside joint),...
ab 18,00 € *
ift-Guideline DI-02engl/1 The usability of sealants Part 2
Content + Foreword The usability of sealants Part 2 of the Guideline describes the test methods for the following scopes of application: Contact of edge of laminated glass or laminated safety glass with: Sealants of the insulating glass...
ab 18,00 € *
ift-Guideline WA-03engl/03 Uf-values for thermal break metal profiles of facade systems
Content + Foreword U f -values for thermal break metal profiles of facade systems Thermal break metal profiles of facade systems are characterized by a large number of different profile sections of a wide variety of geometrical shapes...
ab 18,00 € *
ift-Guideline WA-01engl/2 Uf-values for thermal break metal profiles of windows systems
Content + Foreword Uf-values for thermal break metal profiles of window systems The present ift Guideline was prepared in collaboration with the aforementioned partners The Guideline refers to a series of European standards describing...
ab 18,00 € *